We prepare an ECGD newsletter, which the LHCb secretariat kindly attaches to the Weekly News that they circulate every Friday afternoon. For ease of access, we also collect these newsletters here below.
Please contact us if you have news that you would like us to include into one of our upcoming newsletters.
For the upcoming holidays, we bring to your attention two initiatives in preparation for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, 11 February 2022.
Become an ambassador for the Women and Girls in Science and Technology event
CERN will organise, for the sixth year running, a week celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. For the week of 7 to 11 February 2022, female scientists and engineers are invited to speak at local schools to get young people excited about science. 68 schools have already signed up! You can volunteer to take part and the deadline for signing up is 5 January 2022.
Call for children's artwork: celebrating women and girls in science
To honour the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, CERN’s Diversity&Inclusion Programme - in association with our EIROForum colleagues - is calling for children to get creative and celebrate the day by submitting a drawing with the theme of ‘Women in Science’.
The drawings will be collected and published in the form of a digital collage on 11 February 2022 on our D&I Homepage, with the possibility of a drawing to appear on the eiroforum webpage collage during that week.
The eligibility criteria are as follows:
1. Children up to the age of 12 years-old can submit a drawing
2. The first name and age of the young artist should be submitted with the drawing
3. The drawings can be either submitted on paper (and subsequently scanned or photographed) or submitted digitally
4. Each drawing can be left to the imagination of the artist but each must include the words ‘Women in Science’
The deadline for submissions is COB 12 January 2021 and may be sent to: Diversity.Inclusion@cern.ch or to the office of Louise Carvalho, Room 5/R-027.
Follow-up on this week's ECGD session on Accessibility and support for colleagues with physical disabilities
Many interesting issues came up during the ECGD session last Tuesday, which made us all think about how our working environment can be made more accessible for those of us with various visible and invisible disabilities. In particular, we discussed how policy makers, people in positions of responsibility, as well as everyone in general can act to better support. We received lots of suggestions on the jamboards, which are now attached to the session’s agenda in indico (https://indico.cern.ch/event/1095224/#b-440452-ecgd).
As for any other subject related to diversity and inclusion, the ECGD officers can provide help with issues related to disabilities. We are also open to receive further suggestions, confidentially if needed. If and when we are contacted, we will consider possible actions and potentially bring them (anonymously) to the attention of the LHCb management and the CERN Diversity Office.
A specific mention will be added to the ECGD web page.
Finally, to quote the message from the CERN Ombud, it is by making systematic formal specific requests about needed works, or other needed arrangements (such as the contractual situation example brought up in the discussion) that these issues will receive more attention. So people are encouraged to make formal requests or complaints to CERN when possible.
Next "Coffee with …" event on Tuesday
The registration for the last "Coffee with …" event of 2021 is now open. This is an opportunity to spend half an hour chatting with nice people, some of whom you might have never met otherwise. It will take place next Tuesday, December 14th between 13:30-14:00 CET (right before the Tuesday meeting).
This is how it works: you register at
by Monday evening at the latest. We take the list of all registrations, split it "randomly" into small groups of participants and assign each group to a separate zoom room.
We'll send you the link to your zoom room on Tuesday morning.
We hope to see you there with us!
ECGD session at the 102nd LHCb week next week
The next ECGD session will be held on Tuesday, 7 December from 4:15pm to 5:45pm CET. The session is dedicated to:
Accessibility and support in our working environment for colleagues with physical disabilities
The aim is to get a view of existing policies, gather suggestions for improvements, raise awareness, and leave the room for some Q&A and a discussion. We will also have a guest talk from an external speaker, Claire Malone, as well as a presentation from the CERN Ombud, Laure Esteveny.
Today we send some related reading.
Academia’s ableist culture laid bare
Four group leaders with disabilities share their thoughts on how to make laboratories and fieldwork more accessible and inclusive.
Between 15% and 25% of the world’s population lives with one or more forms of disability. Despite some progress on disability rights, for many disabled scientists academic-research spaces and career pathways remain out of reach, both literally and figuratively. Many nations legally require institutions to make ‘reasonable accommodations’ to ensure accessibility, but disabled researchers think that a corresponding shift in the attitudes of many co-workers is needed.
Science diversified podcast: Tackling an ‘ableist’ culture in research
Many researchers choose not to disclose details of disabilities and chronic health conditions for fear of being stigmatised. Two researchers with disabilities describe the current ableist culture in academia and what can be done to improve the situation.
LHCb Newcomers Event
There will be an introduction to the LHCb organisation, the ECGD office and the LHCb secretariat at the LHCb Newcomers Event at the Tuesday meeting on the 30th of November: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1096080
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Yesterday, November 25th, marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. As in previous years, the date launches 16 days of activism, and the 2021 theme is Orange the World: End Violence against Women Now! While pervasive, gender-based violence is not inevitable. It can and must be prevented.
Conference about Parental burnout, spotting it and getting out of it
All parents can one day be susceptible to parental burnout. The aim of this conference is to identify the risk factors that can lead to burnout and the symptoms that arise from it. To register and follow the conference on 27 November at 10am, for those in the CERN area:
Why women are more burned out than men
Statistics show that stress and burnout are affecting more women than men en masse. The article explores the underlying reasons and what changes need to happen:
Yesterday, November 18th, we celebrated LGBTSTEMday/LGBTQSTEMday and the LHCb logos were changed accordingly. To find out more:
Request for help with the December LHCb week's ECGD session
We are organising the ECGD session of the December LHCb week, dedicated to:
Accessibility and support in our working environment for colleagues with physical disabilities
The aim of the session is to get a view of existing policies, gather suggestions for improvements, raise awareness, and leave the room for some Q&A and a discussion.
If you are willing to help with the organisation of the session or want to share ideas, please contact the ECGD officers (lhcb.ecgd@cern.ch, or privately: benhaim@in2p3.fr, irina.nasteva@cern.ch).
We are seeking, for instance, personal accounts from people about the issues that they had to confront in the CERN work environment and in their institutions. We welcome both input given in confidence, as background, and experiences that can be shared with the collaboration. Also, input about institutions with positive examples of accessibility and inclusive policies for people with disabilities will be appreciated.
Women... In The Shadow of Climate Change
Climate change is one of the greatest global challenges of the twenty-first century, with impacts varying among populations and regions. Women are increasingly being seen as more vulnerable than men to the impacts of climate change, as they represent the majority of the world's poor and are proportionally more dependent on threatened natural resources.
Documentary on women's struggle for equal rights in science
Documentary short, “The Uprising,” showcases women in science who pressed for equal rights at MIT in the 1990s:
Next ECGD session: Accessibility and support for colleagues with physical disabilities
We are now starting to organise the ECGD session of the next LHCb week in December. This time it will be dedicated to the issues of accessibility and support in our working environment for colleagues with physical disabilities. The aim of the session is to get a view of existing policies, gather suggestions for improvements, raise awareness, and leave the room for some Q&A and a discussion.
If you are willing to help with the organisation of the session or want to share ideas, please contact the ECGD officers (lhcb.ecgd@cern.ch, or privately: benhaim@in2p3.fr, irina.nasteva@cern.ch).
We are seeking, for instance, personal accounts from people about the issues that they had to confront in the CERN work environment and in their institutions. We welcome both input given in confidence, as background, and experiences that can be shared with the collaboration. Also, input about institutions with positive examples of accessibility and inclusive policies for people with disabilities will be appreciated.
Follow-up session of the Inclusive Team Network training - 4 November
We will have a follow-up session of the Inclusive Team Network training that took place in February 2021 on 4 November 2021. It is open to all the participants of the first session with no additional participation fees. It will be held over zoom at 9am (about 90 minutes). The aim of the session is to see what practices and learning has emerged since the last session and provide coaching on challenges or issues faced. It will be a mix of repetition of the content and tools learned, practical application and discussion of the participants’ cases.
Registration for 2021 LHC Career Networking Event is open
The 2021 LHC Career Networking event will be taking place on Monday 15 November 2021, and in a hybrid format. You have the possibility to participate in the event either online through Zoom or in person in the Main Auditorium (places are limited).
For further information and to complete one of the two registration forms in the indico site, please go to: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1083877/
Next "Coffee with..." event on Tuesday
The registration for the next "Coffee with …" event is now open. This is an opportunity to spend half an hour chatting with nice people, some of whom you might have never met otherwise. It will take place next Tuesday, October 26th between 13:30-14:00 CET (right before the Tuesday meeting).
This is how it works:
you sign up at https://indico.cern.ch/event/1088885/
by Monday evening at the latest. We take the list of all registrations, split it "randomly" into small groups of participants and assign each group to a separate zoom room.
We'll send you the link to your zoom room on Tuesday morning.
If you missed the previous editions, this is a good time to try.
Researchers voice dismay at all-male science Nobels
All seven winners of this year’s science prizes were men. Some say this shows a disappointing lack of progress towards diversifying the awards.
October 20 was international pronouns day: https://pronounsday.org/.
LHC Career Networking event
The popular LHC Career Networking event will take place on 15 November 2021, in hybrid format, in the CERN Auditorium. More details to follow soon.
LHC Early Career Mentoring Program
A reminder that the registration for the LHC Early Career Mentoring Program is still open:
Mentees: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1076205/
Mentors: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1076223/
4 Reasons Leaders Need Empathy Now
Empathy may sound like a soft skill, one best served up by HR professionals. But actually, empathy is a critical leadership skill and one needed now more than ever.
A change in the ECGD office
Francesca Dordei finished her term as ECGD officer yesterday, and starting today, she is replaced by Irina Nasteva. We warmly thank Francesca for her great job she did during the last two years, and for bringing many topics and initiatives. It was a great pleasure working with you, Francesca!
LHC Early Career Mentoring Program - Registrations open (mentors and mentees)
The second round of an LHC-wide mentoring program is now open https://lhc-mentoring.web.cern.ch/
The goal of the program is to connect young scientists who are interested in a career in research with researchers who are established in the field. The application forms are available at:
Mentees: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1076205/
Mentors: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1076223/
If you are an early-career researcher and think you will benefit from advice from an experienced researcher about the next steps in your career, or if you are an experienced researcher who is willing to help out an early-career researcher develop their professional skills, then this is the right program for you! If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the LHCb Early Career representatives, Tara Nanut and/or Igor Kostiuk.
How COVID made physics more accessible
Accommodations necessitated by the global pandemic made participation in academic conferences easier for physicists with and without disabilities.
Ada Lovelace Day - 12 October 2021
Ada Lovelace Day is an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). It aims to increase the profile of women in STEM and, in doing so, create new role models who will encourage more girls into STEM careers and support women already working in STEM. The Finding Ada organistion is hosting three free webinars: https://findingada.com/
Pronouns on GitLab profile
There is now a dedicated field where people can enter their pronouns on GitLab:
It is accessible by going to Edit Profile, under the Main Settings section.
The registration for the next "Coffee with …" event is now open. This is an opportunity to spend half an hour chatting with nice people, some of whom you might have never met otherwise. It will take place next Tuesday, September 28th between 13:30-14:00 CET (right before the Tuesday meeting).
This is how it works:
you sign up at
by Monday evening at the latest. We take the list of all registrations, split it "randomly" into small groups of participants and assign each group to a separate zoom room.
We'll send you the link to your zoom room on Tuesday morning.
If you missed the previous editions, this is a good time to try.
Be an ally, get a sticker!
If you wander around the corridors of CERN, you might see little rainbow flags on doors. These are stickers that the LGBTQ+ CERN group prepared to give out to people who would like to show their pride / support for their LGBTQ colleagues.
The LHCB secretariat kindly printed many of them (thank you!), so if you pass by CERN you can grab one!!
Not coming at CERN any time soon? No problem, we attached here https://indico.cern.ch/event/1069326/contributions/4534196/attachments/2313472/3938081/DiversityDoorStickers.pdf the pdf file so you can print it at your institute. Please note that there exists some versions that are not necessarily for LHCb or CERN people!
Diversity in science: next steps for research group leaders
Many institutions publicly pledged their commitment to inclusion after Black Lives Matter protests this year. And researchers emphasize the need to maintain momentum.
You are cordially invited to the next ECGD session at the LHCb week https://indico.cern.ch/event/1069326/#b-430362-ecgd.
The topic of the next ECGD session is:
********* Mailing list conduct *********
The aim of the session is to discuss good and constructive practice on mailing lists and collect suggestions to better exploit the tools that we have in LHCb.
We believe that dedicating an ECGD meeting to the discussion of this topic can bring very good results, beneficial to the entire collaboration.
We would like to thank Gediminas Sarpis, Barbara Sciascia and Vava Gligorov for the useful inputs and David Friday and Irina Nasteva for helping us with the session preparation.
We are now starting to organise the ECGD session of the next LHCb week.
The topic of the next ECGD session is:
********* Mailing list conduct *********
The aim of the session is to discuss good and constructive practice on mailing lists and collect suggestions to better exploit the tools that we have in LHCb.
We believe that dedicating an ECGD meeting to the discussion of this topic can bring very good results, beneficial to the entire collaboration.
If you have ideas, opinions or personal accounts to share with us, don’t hesitate to contact the ECGD officers (via lhcb.ecgd@cern.ch or our personal email addresses)! We would really appreciate your help.
Interesting readings for the weekend:
Sexual Harassment of Women - Climate, Culture, and Consequences in Academic Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is a report from the American National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine that explores the influence of sexual harassment in academia on the career advancement of women in the scientific, technical, and medical workforce. This report reviews the research on the extent to which women in the fields of science, engineering, and medicine are victimized by sexual harassment and examines the existing information on the extent to which sexual harassment in academia negatively impacts the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women pursuing scientific, engineering, technical, and medical careers.
In this interesting paper, we learn that the most prevalent form of sexual harassment by far is the put-down, or what social scientists call gender harassment: comments, cartoons, jokes, gestures, and other insults to members of one sex/gender group. Why should we care about gender harassment? Research tells us why: Even when harassment entails nothing but gendered insult—absent any sexual advance—it takes a toll.
We are now starting to organise the ECGD session of the next LHCb week.
The topic of the next ECGD session is:
********* Mailing list conduct *********
The aim of the session is to discuss good and constructive practice on mailing lists and collect suggestions to better exploit the tools that we have in LHCb.
We believe that dedicating an ECGD meeting to the discussion of this topic can bring very good results, beneficial to the entire collaboration.
If you have ideas, opinions or personal accounts to share with us, don’t hesitate to contact the ECGD officers (via lhcb.ecgd@cern.ch or our personal email addresses)! We would really appreciate your help.
The registration for the next "Coffee with …" event is now open. This is an opportunity to spend half an hour chatting with nice people, some of whom you might have never met otherwise. It will take place next Tuesday, July 27th between 13:30-14:00 CET (right before the Tuesday meeting).This is how it works: you sign up at
by Monday evening at the latest. We take the list of all registrations, split it "randomly" into small groups of participants and assign each group to a separate zoom room.We'll send you the link to your zoom room on Tuesday morning.
If you missed the previous editions, this is a good time to try!!
Outreach, Education and Diversity at the European Physical Society on High Energy Physics conference - 26th-30th July 2021
If you are interested in learning what's going on in other institutes and experiments regarding Outreach, Education and Diversity, do not miss the lectures and poster session during the upcoming European Physical Society on High Energy Physics conference. We will also be there!
Timetable and Registration at: https://indico.desy.de/event/28202/
A survey for you
The joint Diversity Charter proposed by the consortia APPEC, ECFA and NuPECC (representing the astroparticle, particle and nuclear physics communities, respectively) set up a survey (password 2019JENAS) to facilitate the monitoring of the situation (https://www.survio.com/survey/d/X2C1N9U6B4T6X0H1M). The questionnaire takes about 2 minutes. There will be absolutely no coupling between the person who fills the form and the information used and disseminated by the consortia.
A survey for you
The joint Diversity Charter proposed by the consortia APPEC, ECFA and NuPECC (representing the astroparticle, particle and nuclear physics communities, respectively) set up a survey (password 2019JENAS) to facilitate the monitoring of the situation (https://www.survio.com/survey/d/X2C1N9U6B4T6X0H1M). The questionnaire takes about 2 minutes. There will be absolutely no coupling between the person who fills the form and the information used and disseminated by the consortia.
Have you made an international career in Physics? Read here!
Together with colleagues from the DESY Dynament program, WIT is planning to organise a joint event to share with other colleagues about international careers. They are looking for a female physicist who has had the chance to work in several places all around the world, if possible in more than one continent, and would like to deliver a 15min lecture about her experience. The event will be on line, probably around October or November. Please, get in touch with wit-sc@cern.ch if you are interested!
Outreach, Education and Diversity at the European Physical Society on High Energy Physics conference - 26th-30th July 2021
If you are interested in learning what's going on in other institutes and experiments regarding Outreach, Education and Diversity, do not miss the lectures and poster session during the upcoming European Physical Society on High Energy Physics conference. We will also be there!
Timetable and Registration at: https://indico.desy.de/event/28202/
Meet Women@CERN
This Saturday at 11h00 there will be the second edition of Meet Women@CERN where the WIT group will interview four remarkable scientists.
You will be able to get to know their path, success stories, moments of doubt and ask them your own questions.
The event is open to everyone; people outside CERN are particularly welcome to get a closer look at those who make CERN an exceptional working place.
A survey for you
The joint Diversity Charter proposed by the consortia APPEC, ECFA and NuPECC (representing the astroparticle, particle and nuclear physics communities, respectively) set up a survey (password 2019JENAS) to facilitate the monitoring of the situation (https://www.survio.com/survey/d/X2C1N9U6B4T6X0H1M). The questionnaire takes about 2 minutes. There will be absolutely no coupling between the person who fills the form and the information used and disseminated by the consortia.
New CERN Gender neutral of the Staff Rules and Regulations
Gender neutral of the Staff Rules and Regulations entered into force yesterday, on 1 July 2021. See: https://cds.cern.ch/collection/Staff%20Rules%20and%20Regulations?ln=en
The updated version contains 90 (!) changes to remove all references to he/him/his, also Chairman etc, so that SRRs now read in a gender neutral manner.
The initiative for these changes has come entirely from the Diversity Roundtable members (promoted by WIT and other members), last year.
For now, only the English version has been modified. The French version has not yet been modified, due to the complexity of the French grammar: Translation and Minutes Group are studying the matter.
EU Gender Equality Strategy: Striving for a Union of equality (2020-2025) and first promising results (https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_20_358):
WIT events
Meet Women @ CERN (Summer edition)
by Ana Ventura Barroso (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) , Evangelia Gousiou (CERN) , Heather Gray (UC Berkeley/LBNL) , Keziban Kandemir (CERN) , Raluca Cruceru (CERN)
Saturday 10 Jul 2021, 11:00 → 12:00 Europe/Zurich
Join the meeting to meet some of the women working at CERN!
Something to read:
- Forging a path to a better normal for conferences and collaboration https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-021-01325-z
- The Future of Meetings: Outcomes and Recommendations https://zenodo.org/record/4345562#.YN7M_W6xVQI
- The University of Zurich has received the Swiss LGBTI Label. The label certifies that UZH embraces a culture of openness, inclusion and appreciation towards LGBTI people.
We would like to thank all the participants of the last ECGD session during the LHCb week for the interesting and fruitful discussion. Huge thank goes to Eliot, Dylan and Nicole for helping us during the preparation! We plan to update the ECGD GitHub with the most instructive information and open issues on this topic, so if you have anything in mind that we didn’t have time to discuss just let us know.
We will keep you informed of any progress.
The registration for the next "Coffee with …" event is ongoing. This is an opportunity to spend half an hour chatting with nice people, some of whom you might have never met otherwise. It will take place next Tuesday, June 29th between 13:30-14:00 CET (right before the Tuesday meeting).
This is how it works: you sign up at
by Monday evening at the latest. If you missed the previous editions, this is a good time to try.
The joint Diversity Charter proposed by the consortia APPEC, ECFA and NuPECC (representing the astroparticle, particle and nuclear physics communities, respectively) set up a survey (password 2019JENAS) to facilitate the monitoring of the situation (https://www.survio.com/survey/d/X2C1N9U6B4T6X0H1M). The questionnaire takes about 2 minutes. There will be absolutely no coupling between the person who fills the form and the information used and disseminated by the consortia.
Something to read:
- Why ineffective diversity training won't go away: https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20210614-why-ineffective-diversity-training-wont-go-away?referer=http%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com
- Male Teachers Wear Skirts in Solidarity with Student Bullied for Fashion Choices
You are all cordially invited to our next ECGD session during the LHCb week.
It will be on Tuesday at 16:15 CEST (https://indico.cern.ch/event/1000115/#b-421383-ecgd) and it will be devoted to: “How can we support our transgender and non-binary colleagues”. Join us to have a fruitful discussion :)
Do not miss the next WIT talk: < WIT > "Anti-Harassment Framework and Support Structures" by Louise Carvalho
- 7 inventions that would not exist without black women
• GPS - Dr. Gladys West (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gladys_West)
• Illusion Transmitter - Valerie Thomas (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valerie_Thomas)
• A more durable hairbrush - Lyda Newman (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyda_D._Newman)
• Feeding tube - Bessie Blount Griffin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bessie_Blount_Griffin)
• Laserphaco probe for cataract treatment - Dr. Patricia Bath (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patricia_Bath)
• Fruit press - Madeline Turner (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madeline_Turner)
• Clothes Wringer - Ellen Eglin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellen_Eglin)
This month is the PRIDE month! It is the promotion of the self-affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people as a social group. Pride, as opposed to shame and social stigma, is the predominant outlook that bolsters most LGBT rights movements.
Lern more here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_pride.
We want to monitor better the mood of the collaboration thanks to 5 questions that we will send every week.
You can find the survey here:
Connect there and login using the user ecgdsurvey and password LHCb$ECGD20 (try from a private browser if it doesn’t work).
All the information collected is anonymous and confidential. The survey takes 20 seconds, it would be really of great help if you can take the time to fill it every week.
Thanks a lot to all the people that already did it in the last weeks :)
We want to monitor better the mood of the collaboration thanks to 5 questions that we will send every week.
You can find the survey here:
Connect there and login using the user ecgdsurvey and password LHCb$ECGD20 (try from a private browser if it doesn’t work).
All the information collected is anonymous and confidential. The survey takes 20 seconds, it would be really of great help if you can take the time to fill it every week.
Thanks a lot to all the people that already did it in the last weeks :)
Some other news:
We have postponed the
"Coffee with ..."
event by one week, and the registration is open again. Coffee with is an opportunity to spend half an hour chatting with nice people, some of whom you might have never met otherwise. It will take place next Tuesday, May 25th between 13:30-14:00 CET (right before the Tuesday meeting).
This is how it works: you sign up here (https://indico.cern.ch/event/1040677/overview)
by Monday evening at the latest. We take the list of all registrations, split it "randomly" into small groups of participants and assign each group to a separate zoom room.
We'll send you the link to your zoom room on Tuesday morning.
If you missed the previous editions, it is always a good time to start!
We want to monitor better the mood of the collaboration thanks to 5 questions that we will send every week.
You can find the survey here:
Connect there and login using the user ecgdsurvey and password LHCb$ECGD20 (try from a private browser if it doesn’t work).
All the information collected is anonymous and confidential. The survey takes 20 seconds, it would be really of great help if you can take the time to fill it every week.
Thanks a lot to all the people that already did it in the last weeks :)
Some other news:
We have opened the registration for the next
"Coffee with ..."
event - an opportunity to spend half an hour chatting with nice people, some of whom you might have never met otherwise. It will take place next Tuesday, May 18th between 13:30-14:00 CET (right before the Tuesday meeting).
This is how it works: you sign up here (https://indico.cern.ch/event/1039027/overview)
by Monday evening at the latest. We take the list of all registrations, split it "randomly" into small groups of participants and assign each group to a separate zoom room.
We'll send you the link to your zoom room on Tuesday morning.
If you missed the previous editions, it is always a good time to start!
The note on "Results of the survey on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on LHCb scientists” is now public on CDS: https://cds.cern.ch/record/2752585/files/LHCb-PUB-2021-004.pdf. Take a look at it and distribute it to your colleagues at your home institution.
Here, we would like to also thank our referees, Monica Pepe-Altarelli and Matthew John Charles, as well as Chris Parks for the useful comments.
We want to monitor better the mood of the collaboration thanks to 5 questions that we will send every week.
You can find the survey here:
Connect there and login using the user ecgdsurvey and password LHCb$ECGD20 (try from a private browser if it doesn’t work).
All the information collected is anonymous and confidential. The survey takes 20 seconds, it would be really of great help if you can take the time to fill it every week.
Thanks a lot to all the people that already did it in the last weeks :)
Something to read:
At the next Tuesday meeting, the 11th of May, there will be a special topical presentation wherein contributions on the topic "meetings on the post-pandemic era”.
As this session will largely benefit from your opinions and comments, a longer time for discussion is scheduled.
The agenda is posted here: https://indico.cern.ch/event/976806/
Do not miss it!
If you haven’t done it yet, please take a look at the public note on "Results of the survey on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on LHCb scientists”. We encourage all collaborators to read it (you can find it here) and to send to us any comment (lhcb-review-ECGD-covidsurvey@cern.ch) by May 10th.
Here, we would like to also thank our referees, Monica Pepe-Altarelli and Matthew John Charles, as well as Chris Parks for the useful comments.
We want to monitor better the mood of the collaboration thanks to 5 questions that we will send every week.
You can find the survey here:
Connect there and login using the user ecgdsurvey and password LHCb$ECGD20 (try from a private browser if it doesn’t work).
All the information collected is anonymous and confidential. The survey takes 20 seconds, it would be really of great help if you can take the time to fill it every week.
Thanks a lot to all the people that already did it in the last weeks :)
In order to promote female roles in STEM, WIT is actively contributing to social media campaigns showcasing women in science and technology and male allies supporting them.
We would like to identify a pool of volunteers willing to share in our social media channels their career choices, professional challenges and their great jobs.
If you are interested, please drop us a short email with:
- Your Name & email address, valid for at least 6 months
- A short description of your career and your motivation
On Tuesday we had the opportunity to present the public note on "Results of the survey on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on LHCb scientists”. We encourage all collaborators to read it (you can find it here) and to send to us any comment (lhcb-review-ECGD-covidsurvey@cern.ch) by May 10th.
Here, we would like to also thank our referees, Monica Pepe-Altarelli and Matthew John Charles, as well as Chris Parks for the useful comments.
We want to monitor better the mood of the collaboration thanks to 5 questions that we will send every week.
You can find the survey here:
Connect there and login using the user ecgdsurvey and password LHCb$ECGD20 (try from a private browser if it doesn’t work).
All the information collected is anonymous and confidential. The survey takes 20 seconds, it would be really of great help if you can take the time to fill it every week.
Thanks a lot to all the people that already did it in the last weeks :)
Do not miss the WIT Talk with Dr. Maria Girone, Openlab CTO
Wednesday 5 May 2021, 12:00 → 13:30
Walking through the career path of Dr. Maria Girone, the talk will focus on ideas on how we can create a welcoming environment for women and minorities working in HEP (e.g. at any stage of their career) and how to attract more women to HEP, computing, and Big Data/AI world.
Something to read:
- How can one enhance personal knowledge of equality, diversity, and inclusion? By checking out the non-exhaustive list of online material and books on various aspects of equality, diversity and inclusion, courtesy of Loughborough University here. Including the very helpful: "How to say when it's not okay” (here)
We want to monitor better the mood of the collaboration thanks to 5 questions that we will send every week.
You can find the survey here:
Connect there and login using the user ecgdsurvey and password LHCb$ECGD20 (try from a private browser if it doesn’t work).
All the information collected is anonymous and confidential. The survey takes 20 seconds, it would be really of great help if you can take the time to fill it every week.
Thanks a lot to all the people that already did it in the last weeks :)
Do not miss the WIT Talk with Dr. Maria Girone, Openlab CTO
Wednesday 5 May 2021, 12:00 → 13:30
Walking through the career path of Dr. Maria Girone, the talk will focus on ideas on how we can create a welcoming environment for women and minorities working in HEP (e.g. at any stage of their career) and how to attract more women to HEP, computing, and Big Data/AI world.
Especially interesting for our younger colleagues, the PyHEP 2021 workshop will be fully virtual and will take place on July 5‒9. Registration is open, as well as abstracts submission, see https://indico.cern.ch/e/PyHEP2021. There are no registration fees nor a limit on the number of participants.
After a four-year term, Pierre Gildemyn is passing the Ombud’s baton to Laure Esteveny (https://home.cern/news/news/cern/new-face-cern-ombuds-office). We would like to thank Pierre for the excellent job done. The role of Ombunds (https://ombuds.web.cern.ch/sites/ombuds.web.cern.ch/files/2020-05/CERN%20Ombudsman%26%23039%3Bs%20mandate.pdf) is to provide an informal line of support for conflict resolution at CERN, to help people who are facing difficulties and personnel who feel uncomfortable in the work environment.
We want to monitor better the mood of the collaboration thanks to 5 questions that we will send every week.
You can find the survey here:
Connect there and login using the user ecgdsurvey and password LHCb$ECGD20 (try from a private browser if it doesn’t work).
All the information collected is anonymous and confidential. The survey takes 20 seconds, it would be really of great help if you can take the time to fill it every week.
Thanks a lot to all the people that already did it in the last weeks :)
Do not miss the WIT Talk with Dr. Maria Girone, Openlab CTO
Wednesday 5 May 2021, 12:00 → 13:30
Walking through the career path of Dr. Maria Girone, the talk will focus on ideas on how we can create a welcoming environment for women and minorities working in HEP (e.g. at any stage of their career) and how to attract more women to HEP, computing, and Big Data/AI world.
Something to read:
- The first woman head of the National Research Council (CNR, Italy)
- The first woman to lead the globe-spanning news agency in its 170-year history
-The first Arab woman for astronaut training
The registration for the next
"Coffee with …”
event is OPEN - an opportunity to spend half an hour chatting with nice people, some of whom you might have never met otherwise.
It will take place NEXT WEEK Tuesday, April 13th between 13:30-14:00 CET (right before the Tuesday meeting).
This is how it works: you sign up at https://indico.cern.ch/event/1025165/
by Monday 12th evening at the latest. We take the list of all registrations, split it "randomly" into small groups of participants and assign each group to a separate zoom room.
We'll send you the link to your zoom room on Tuesday morning.
We want to monitor better the mood of the collaboration thanks to 5 questions that we will send every week.
You can find the survey here:
Connect there and login using the user ecgdsurvey and password LHCb$ECGD20 (try from a private browser if it doesn’t work).
All the information collected is anonymous and confidential. The survey takes 20 seconds, it would be really of great help if you can take the time to fill it every week.
Thanks a lot to all the people that already did it in the last weeks :)
The organisation of the next ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb career networking event 2021 has now started. The event will be in fall 2021 and we are looking for speaker suggestions. Speakers should have been associated with a CERN experiment (also non-LHC) for some time (PhD thesis, PostDoc, senior) and should have left academia more than a year ago. Thanks a lot for your help and thanks a lot to Olaf and Igor that are organising this event on behalf of LHCb!
Something to read:
- The Matilda effect (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matilda_effect) is a bias against acknowledging the achievements of those women scientists whose work is attributed to their male colleagues.
Nettie Stevens, an American geneticist who discovered sex chromosomes.
Jocelyn Bell Burnell, who discovered the first radio pulsar but did not receive the Nobel Prize.
Lise Meitner, who had worked with Otto Hahn and had laid the theoretical foundations for nuclear fission.
- Gender Quotas and the Crisis of the Mediocre Man: Theory and Evidence from Sweden
The registration for the next
"Coffee with …"
Event is OPEN - an opportunity to spend half an hour chatting with nice people, some of whom you might have never met otherwise. It will take place Tuesday, April 13th between 13:30-14:00 CET (right before the Tuesday meeting).
This is how it works: you sign up at https://indico.cern.ch/event/1025165/
by Monday 12th evening at the latest. We take the list of all registrations, split it "randomly" into small groups of participants and assign each group to a separate zoom room.
We'll send you the link to your zoom room on Tuesday morning.
We want to monitor better the mood of the collaboration thanks to 5 questions that we will send every week.
You can find the survey here:
Connect there and login using the user ecgdsurvey and password LHCb$ECGD20 (try from a private browser if it doesn’t work).
All the information collected is anonymous and confidential. The survey takes 20 seconds, it would be really of great help if you can take the time to fill it every week.
Thanks a lot to all the people that already did it in the last weeks :)
The organisation of the next ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb career networking event 2021 has now started. The event will be in fall 2021 and we are looking for speaker suggestions. Speakers should have been associated with a CERN experiment (also non-LHC) for some time (PhD thesis, PostDoc, senior) and should have left academia more than a year ago. Thanks a lot for your help and thanks a lot to Olaf and Igor that are organising this event on behalf of LHCb!
The organisation of the next ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb career networking event 2021 has now started. The event will be in fall 2021 and we are looking for speaker suggestions. Speakers should have been associated with a CERN experiment (also non-LHC) for some time (PhD thesis, PostDoc, senior) and should have left academia more than a year ago. Thanks a lot for your help and thanks a lot to Olaf and Igor that are organising this event on behalf of LHCb!
We want to monitor better the mood of the collaboration thanks to 5 questions that we will send every week.
You can find the survey here:
Connect there and login using the user ecgdsurvey and password LHCb$ECGD20 (try from a private browser if it doesn’t work).
All the information collected is anonymous and confidential. The survey takes 20 seconds, it would be really of great help if you can take the time to fill it every week.
Thanks a lot to all the people that already did it in the last weeks :)
Last days to apply as mentees for the WIT Mentoring 2021 exercise.
You need to login with your CERN account and submit your application form via: https://cda-surveys.web.cern.ch/form/mentoring-application-2021
The deadline to apply is 31st March 2021.
For more information about WIT Mentoring, please, check:
Something to read:
- The OECD’s International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study (http://www.oecd.org/education/school/early-learning-and-child-well-being-study/) asked over 4,000 children what they wanted to do or be when they grow up. Most children had a definite idea of the type of the job they would like and were keen to share their views. Know more about the study and what some experts say about this topic here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=286770979462126
Something to play:
- Gender bias in academia is alive and well. Identifying and understanding the distinct patterns of gender bias is the first step towards ensuring that bias does not derail your career. This on-line gender bias training teaches you to identify the four basic patterns of gender bias.
The Women In Technology group at CERN announced a Diversity Talk with James Purvis, head of Human Resources at CERN.
During the interview topics like Gender Pay Gap, parental leave and the challenges of recruiting a diverse workforce in a scientific environment will be discussed.
When? Friday 26 March 2021 at 12h (CET)
Where? Virtual world. The zoom link is on the indico page
Register: https://indico.cern.ch/event/867590/
During the registration, please let them know if there are specific topics you are interested in!
The organisation of the next ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb career networking event 2021 has now started. The event will be in fall 2021 and we are looking for speaker suggestions. Speakers should have been associated with a CERN experiment (also non-LHC) for some time (PhD thesis, PostDoc, senior) and should have left academia more than a year ago. Thanks a lot for your help!
We want to monitor better the mood of the collaboration thanks to 5 questions that we will send every week.
You can find the survey here:
Connect there and login using the user ecgdsurvey and password LHCb$ECGD20 (try from a private browser if it doesn’t work).
All the information collected is anonymous and confidential. The survey takes 20 seconds, it would be really of great help if you can take the time to fill it every week.
Thanks a lot to all the people that already did it in the last weeks :)
Something to read for the weekend:
- Pandemic burnout is rampant in academia: remote working, research delays and childcare obligations are taking their toll on scientists, causing stress and anxiety. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-00663-2
- Women are harmed every day by invisible men https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/mar/19/women-harmed-every-day-invisible-men
This week we celebrated the International Women's Day!
This occasion should serve as a call to action for accelerating gender parity. According to UN, today, only 21 countries have women leaders and 119 countries have never had women leaders. At the current rate, parity in the highest decisions of power will not be achieved for another 130 years.
We invite all the diverse, strong, intelligent, talented people in our collaboration to ponder on the real meaning of the Women's day, as this cannot be only a women' fight.
Free Webinar "Banish The Imposter Syndrome"
On Friday 19th March from 12:30 - 14:00 CET, Thriving Talent (the same company that conducted the diversity and management training) will be hosting a FREE webinar to help 'Banish The Imposter Syndrome':
In the interactive online workshop, will be shared with you what imposter syndrome is, how it shows up, and the impact it may be having on your life. Participants will leave equipped with the tools to know how to address imposter syndrome and take back control.
The ECGD website is now updated, please take a look at it:
Many thanks to Eli that took care of it and will keep it uptodate from now on!
We now want to monitor better the mood of the collaboration thanks to 5 questions that we will send every week.
You can find the survey here:
Connect there and login using the user ecgdsurvey and password LHCb$ECGD20 (try from a private browser if it doesn't work).
All the information collected is anonymous and confidential. The survey takes 20 seconds, it would be really of great help if you can take the time to fill it every week.
Thanks a lot to all the people that already did it in the last weeks :)
Something to read:
- Scientists want virtual meetings to stay after the COVID pandemic
-'Mansplaining, explained in one simple chart'
- Reverse sexism - check the links inside with real-life interesting examples:
We now want to monitor better the mood of the collaboration thanks to 5 questions that we will send every week.
You can find the survey here:
Connect there and login using the user ecgdsurvey and password LHCb$ECGD20 (try from a private browser if it doesn't work).
All the information collected is anonymous and confidential. The survey takes 20 seconds, it would be really of great help if you can take the time to fill it every week.
Thanks a lot to all the people that already did it in the last weeks :)
The fourth of the Soft Skill workshops will take place on March 10, starting at 13:00 CEST, and will be dedicated to interview skills for academia. It is planned to discuss interview skills for postdoc, tenure-track and permanent positions in academia. Given the ongoing COVID-19 situation, the event is going to be online only.
The agenda is still being finalized and will likely follow a similar pattern as the previous workshops, starting with a presentation, followed by a round table discussion with invited panelists and a Q&A session with open questions from all participants. The panel will consist of experienced interviewers and those who have recently secured a new position in academia.
To participate in this workshop, you need to register via the Indico page at
The deadline for the registration is TODAY Friday, March 5.