CERN — The European Laboratory for Particle Physics


This prize for outstanding LHCb summer students is named in memory of our colleague Moritz Karbach, who lost his life in a climbing accident in April 2015.  Moritz was an outstanding young physicist who made major contributions to our analysis activities and to detector operation, and who greatly enjoyed working with summer students. A brief summary of Moritz's career may be found in the obituary published in the CERN bulletin, and a record of his scientific legacy on LHCb in the memorial book prepared by his colleagues. 

The prize is awarded annually, and takes into account the following criteria:      

- Impact and usefulness of the conducted work;
- Progress and level of acquired knowledge;    
- Personal motivation and working attitude;    
- Clarity of presentation in the LHCb group meeting.  

According to the quality of the work, several prizes may be awarded each year.

- Francis Roy Beckert, University of Stanford, "Fourier analysis to improve calorimeter fast simulations: The 6 Seasons model"

- Betul Dogrul, University of Bilkent, "RUST bindings for DIM"

- Penelope Hoffmann, University of Heidelberg, "Tracking Studies for the Upgrade II of the LHCb Experiment"

- Jonas Kann, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, "Untangling the Cables: Streamlining Muon Detector Operation"

- Linnuo Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China, "(Re)discovery of the Doubly Charmed Baryon in LHCb-Run 3 Data"

From left to right:
Penelope Hoffmann, Jonas Kann, Linnuo Zhang, Betul Dogrul

Honourable mentions

From left to right:
Volodymyr Svintozelskyi, William Rose, Simona Dubs, Emile Caire, Johann Himbert  

- Matias Ernesto Leandro Flores, Universidad de Costa Rica, "Power Consumption Optimization for LHCb Online and DAQ System"

- Anna Gawehn, TU Munich, "Pixel Calibration of TimePix4 module in VELO"

- Aleksandra Petkovic, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, "Optimization of the longitudinal segmentation of a SPACAL for the LHCb PicoCal"

- Jan Schulz, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, "Merged 𝝅 𝟎 → 𝟐𝜸 identification in Run 4 using machine learning"

- Giovanna Rezende, UFRJ Rio de Janeiro, "Safety System for the Vertex Locator (VELO) subdetector of the LHCb"

-  Vemund Elias Lundheim, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim,  "Craver presentation"

- Simon Thor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm,"Improving LbMCSubmit"

- Marta Gomis, Grenoble INP (UGA), "32 Tb/s network monitoring tool for the Run 3 LHCb real-time DAQ"

- Olaf Massen, Utrecht University, "Optimising the search for CP violation in D+ S → K+π+π− decays at LHCb"

- Kristof Spenko, University of Ljubljana, "The Parametrized Extrapolator #2"

- Kevin Syc, University College London (UCL), "Development of the Detector Control System for the LHCb RICH upgrade"

- Vsevolod Yeroshenko, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, "RICH Future Upgrade: Simulations"

- Nicole Dolot, Babeș-Bolyai University, "Mobile Logbooks -WhatsLogged-"

- Alessandro Scarabotto, University of Ferrara, "Tracking System For Upgrade 2"

  - Lukas Calefice, Technische Universität Dortmund, "Search for the decay D*s(2317)±→D*s±g"

- Valeriia Lukashenko, University of Amsterdam, "Results of RICH CLARO calibration and threshold scans"

- Krzysztof Wilczynski, Warsaw University of Technology, "An alternative approach to configure permanent tasks in LHCb Online farm nodes"

- Kamil Fischer, University of Manchester, "Measurement of CP asymmetries in D0 --> K0s K0s decays using Run II data"

- Veronica Solund Kirsebom, Niels Bohr Institute Copenhagen University, "Comparaison of B0s --> D-s \mu+\nu_mu and B0 -->D-\mu+\nu_mu to test SU (3) symmetry"

- Biljana Mitreska, Ss. Cyril and Methodious University, "Adding timing to the VELO"

- Rahul Balasubramanian, IITM, Chennai , " New algorithm for Cholesky Decomposition "

- Manuel Jahn, Universität Heidelberg , "
Studies for the Super VELO "

- Serena Maccolini, University of Bologna , " Charm mixing with D
0 --> K pi pi 0 "

- Simone Meloni, Milano Bicocca University , " Upgrade bandwidth studies "

  - Michele Piero Blago, Universität Heidelberg, "Simulation and reconstruction of the RICH upgrade test beam"

- Vitalii Lisovskyi, Kharkiv National University, "Search for B
+ --> \mu+ \nu_mu"

- Cristina Quast, Technische Universität Berlin, "A wireshark-based verification tool for the new LHCb common detector read-out board"