2012 July 9 | Sheldon Stone | New Physics from Flavour(transparencies) | 36th Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics, Melbourne, Australia |
2012 July 17 | Marco Gersabeck | Charm - a new chapter of CP violation(transparencies) | Teilchenphysikkolloqium 2012, Heidelberg, Germany |
2012 March 12 | Andreas Schopper | Introduction to Flavour Physics (transparencies) | Moriond QCD and High Energy Interactions, La Thuile, Italy |
2012 March 1 | Ulrich Kerzel | Flavour Physik als Schlüssel zu "Neuer Physik" (transparencies) | DPG Frühjahrstagung 2012, Göttingen, Germany |
2012 February 21 | Rob Lambert | Heavy Flavour Physics, an introduction and review (transparencies) | Lake Louise Winter Institute 2012, Lake Louise, Canada |
2011 August 8-13 | Sheldon Stone | Heavy Flavor Physics (proceedings) | DPF-2011 Conference, Providence, RI, USA |
2011 May 9-11 | Sheldon Stone | B Physics in the LHC Era (transparencies) | Phenomenology 2011 Symposium, University of Wisconsin at Madison, USA |
2011 March 22 | Rob Lambert | Introduction to Flavour Physics (transparencies, pptx) | Moriond QCD and High Energy Interactions, La Thuile, Italy |
2010 Oct 4-5 |
Giulia Manca |
J/ψ Production at LHC (transparencies) |
7th Workshop on B Physics, Orsay, France |
2009 Sept 24-25 | Ziad Ajaltouni | Direct Test of Time-Reversal Symmetry at LHC. Feasibilities with LHCb (transparencies) | LHC-Theory Meeting, LPSC, Grenoble, France |
2006 April 9-12 | Andreas Schopper | Flavor physics and CP violation at LHC (transparencies) | FPCP06, Vancouver, Canada |
2005 March 5-12 | Marta Calvi | B Physics prospects at LHC (transparencies) | Rencontres de Moriond: Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories<\br>La Thuile, Italy |
2005 March 15-18 | Roger Forty | B Physics of Future Hadron Facilities (25'+5') (transparencies) | CKM 2005; workshop on the unitarity triangle <\br> San Diego, USA |
2005 November 7-10 | Olivier Schneider | B physics prospects at the LHC (transparencies) | Flavour in the era of the LHC Workshop CERN Geneva, Switzerland |
Patrick Koppenburg | B->llK (*) prospects at LHCb (transparencies) | ||
2003 June 3-6, | Andrey Golutvin | Reaching for g (present and future) (transparencies.ppt) | Flavor physics and CP violation (FPCP 2003)<\br> Paris, France |
2002 October 6-11 | Neville Harnew | B Physics at the LHC (transparencies.ppt)(ps.file) | First International Workshop on Frontier Science<\br> Frascati, Itlay |
2002 June 16-22, | Tatsuya Nakada | Thoughts on CP violation experiment (pdf file) | XIVth Rencontres de Blois - Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry<\br> Chateau de Blois, Blois, France |
2001 November 20-22 | Olivier Schneider | Future B physics prospects at hadron colliders (pdf file)(proc.version.ps) | 5th KEK topical conference "Frontiers in Flavour Physics"<\br> KEK, Tsukuba, Japan |
2001 February 19-23, | Roger Forty | B physics from LEP and SLD (ppt file) | 4th International Workshop on B Physics and CP Violation<\br> Ise-Shima, Japan |
Tatsuya Nakada | B physics at LHC (talk.pdf)(writeup.pdf) | ||
2000 February 8, | Tatsuya Nakada | Symmetry and its violation - unifying concept of universe (ppt file) | Inaugural Lecture at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland |
1999 July 25-29 | Neville Harnew | B-Physics potential of ATLAS, CMS, LHCb and BTeV(ps file)(pdf file) | 8th International symposium on heavy flavour physics, Southampton, UK |
1999 January 14 | Gloria Corti | A large hadron collider beauty experiment for precision measurement of CP violation and rare decays (ps file) | Workshop on standard model physics (and more)<\br>LHC b physics production subgroup CERN |
1998 December 18 | Tatsuya Nakada | CP violation (pdf) | University of Freiburg, Switzerland |
1998 August 10-14 | Tatsuya Nakada | CP violation (ps, ppt) | Brazilian Physical Society, Particles and Fields Meeting, Caxambu, Brasil |
1998 July 23-29 | Tatsuya Nakada | Prospects for future CP violation experiment in the B-meson system (ps, ppt, final version) | ICHEP'98, parallel session6, Vancouver, Canada |
1997 March | Thomas Ruf | B Physics at LHC, | he XXXIInd Rencontres de Moriond ElectroWeak Interactions and Unified Theories, Les Arcs, France |
1997 April | Tatsuya Nakada | Future Prospects for CP Violation Experiments | Particle Physics and the Early Universe, Cambridge, UK |
1997 July | Tatsuya Nakada | The Symposium Twenty Beautiful Years of Bottom Physics, Chicago, USA | |
1996 May | Tatsuya Nakada | Review on Future B-meson Experiments | German Russian workshop on Physics in Heavy Quark Physics, Dubna, Russia |
1996 May-June | Tatsuya Nakada | Review on Future B-meson Experiments | Workshop on K Physics, Orsay, France |
1996 December | Guy Wilkinson | C0 Workshop, Fermilab, Batavia, USA |